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Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:296101681
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Последний раз был:* Sun. Feb. 23rd, 2025 @ 01:19:36
Наиграл: 0d 02:29:26h
Средний пинг:* -
Любимый сервер:* GAMER.KG | CS:S CW/MIX 1 [В ожидании: 10]
Любимая карта:* de_season
Любимое оружие:* Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police)

Суммарная статистика

Активность: 100% 100%
Очки: 2,072
Ранк: 1,069
Убийств за минуту: 0.59
Убийств на смерть: 1.2754 (1.28*)
Хедшотов на убийство: 0.4886 (0.4886*)
Выстрелов на одно убийство: -
Точность: 0.0% (0%*)
Хедшотов: 43 (43*)
Убийств: 88 (88*)
Смертей: 69 (69*)
Максимальная цепочка убийств: 4
Максимальная цепочка смертей: 7
Самоубийств: 0
Убийство своих: 0 (0*)

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Ранк: Private
Убийств необходимо: 12 (76%)
История Ранков


Sharpshooter Connection Time 150 Hours Supreme AK47 Supreme Steyr Aug Supreme AWP Sniper Supreme Desert Eagle Supreme Bomb Defuser Supreme Dual Beretta Elites Award of Famas Supreme Five-Seven Supreme G3 SG1 Supreme Galil Supreme Glock Supreme Headshots Supreme HE Grenades Supreme Hostage Killer Supreme Combat Knife Supreme Lowpinger Supreme M249 Para Supreme M3 Shotgun Supreme Colt M4A1 Supreme MAC 10 Supreme Most Kills Supreme MP5 Navy Supreme Sig P228 Supreme P90 Supreme Bomb Planter Supreme Hostage Rescuer Supreme Scout Elite Supreme SG 550 Supreme SG 552 Supreme Suicides Supreme Team Kills Supreme TMP Supreme UMP 45 Supreme USP Supreme XM Shotgun
Глобальные награды

  Player Actions *

Rank Action Earned sort-descending.gif Accumulated Points
1 Headshot 43 times 43
2 Pick up the Bomb 30 times 60
3 Double Kill (2 kills) 21 times 21
4 Drop the Bomb 15 times -30
5 Plant the Bomb 7 times 70
6 Triple Kill (3 kills) 2 times 4
7 Start Defusing the Bomb Without a Defuse Kit 1 times 0
8 Domination (4 kills) 1 times 3
9 Defuse the Bomb 1 times 10

  Team Selection *

Rank Team Joined sort-descending.gif % Ratio
1 Terrorist 6 times 23.08% 23.08%
2 Counter-Terrorist 5 times 19.23% 19.23%

  Weapon Usage *

Rank Weapon Modifier Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 Arctic Warfare Magnum (Police) 1.00 36 40.91% 40.91% 8 18.60% 18.60% 0.22
2 Kalashnikov AK-47 1.00 24 27.27% 27.27% 20 46.51% 46.51% 0.83
3 Desert Eagle .50AE 1.20 22 25.00% 25.00% 14 32.56% 32.56% 0.64
4 High Explosive Grenade 1.80 3 3.41% 3.41% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00
5 H&K USP .45 Tactical 1.40 2 2.27% 2.27% 1 2.33% 2.33% 0.50
6 Colt M4A1 Carbine 1.00 1 1.14% 1.14% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00

  Map Performance *

Rank Map Kills % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D sort-descending.gif Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1 de_tuscan 19 21.59% 21.59% 7 10.14% 10.14% 2.71 6 13.95% 13.95% 0.32
2 de_season 11 12.50% 12.50% 7 10.14% 10.14% 1.57 5 11.63% 11.63% 0.45
3 de_dust2 23 26.14% 26.14% 19 27.54% 27.54% 1.21 18 41.86% 41.86% 0.78
4 de_cache_new 14 15.91% 15.91% 13 18.84% 18.84% 1.08 7 16.28% 16.28% 0.50
5 de_mirage2_atmsibir 21 23.86% 23.86% 23 33.33% 33.33% 0.91 7 16.28% 16.28% 0.33

  Server Activity *

Rank Server Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths K:D Headshots Percentage of Headshots % HS:K
1 GAMER.KG | CS:S CW/MIX 1 [В ожидании: 10] 88 100.00% 100.00% 69 1.2754 43 100.00% 100.00% 0.4886

  Player Kill Statistics *

Rank Victim Kills sort-descending.gif % Ratio Deaths % Ratio K:D Headshots % Ratio HS:K
1  No Countrylynx 20 22.73% 22.73% 18 26.09% 26.09% 1.11 9 22.50% 22.50% 0.45
2  No Country-_*NeVeR die AloNe*_- 18 20.45% 20.45% 11 15.94% 15.94% 1.64 7 17.50% 17.50% 0.39
3  No CountryGamer CSS 15 17.05% 17.05% 6 8.70% 8.70% 2.50 9 22.50% 22.50% 0.60
4  No Countryasd 14 15.91% 15.91% 22 31.88% 31.88% 0.64 7 17.50% 17.50% 0.50
5  No CountryTGLTN 11 12.50% 12.50% 4 5.80% 5.80% 2.75 5 12.50% 12.50% 0.45
6  KyrgyzstanMura 7 7.95% 7.95% 5 7.25% 7.25% 1.40 3 7.50% 7.50% 0.43

Show only victims this person has killed or more times

Поля, отмеченные "*", сгенерированы исходя из статистики за последние 28 дней.
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